we are a seeker of justice

we help victims of injustice and victimisation- as in the case of 'Mobad' to seek and get justice.

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Start by identifying a cause that resonates with your values and beliefs. It could be something close to home or a global issue that pulls at your heartstrings.

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Hope is not a mere wishful thinking; it is a profound belief that possibilities exist even in the most challenging circumstances. It's the spark that ignites our spirit when the path ahead seems daunting.

Active Cases

Support a cause you care about

Hope is not a mere wishful thinking; it is a profound belief that possibilities exist even in the most challenging circumstances. It's the spark that ignites our spirit when the path ahead seems daunting.

Active Cases

ADA WAZOBIA Charity Foundation

Welcome to ADA WAZOBIA Charity Foundation, where compassion meets action. Established with a vision of creating posit...

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35 +

Active Cases


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People get help from us

They need your help

In the heart of Nigeria, countless children face daily challenges that hinder their access to basic necessities and opportunities for a brighter future. These less privileged children grapple with poverty, limited educational resources, and insufficient healthcare, leaving them trapped in a cycle of hardship. At ADA WAZOBIA, we are committed to breaking this cycle and uplifting the lives of these young souls.

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Our Mission

At ADA CHARITY, our mission is rooted in compassion and driven by the belief that every individual, regardless of circumstance, deserves the chance to lead a life of dignity and opportunity. We are a foundation-based association dedicated to uplifting the less privileged in our society, working tirelessly to create positive, sustainable change.

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